温故知新のみち Yokoahma Heritage Trail. Onko-chishin no Michi.


水面から世界有数のターミナル駅へと劇的な変貌を遂げる3代目横浜駅 From marshland to world-leading terminal: The third Yokohama Station


Until the end of the Edo period, today' s Yokohama Station area was a shallow inlet that cut deep inland. it was converted to land in 1872 (Meiji 5) when, following the railway opening between Shimbashi and Yokohama, Yokohama businessman Kaemon Takashima filled in the mouth of the inlet and the surrounding area to lay a track directly across it. With the development of the Aratama and Ishizaki rivers and resulting water transport and train stations, a timber industry and factories emerged in the area along with oil depots and other facilities established by companies like U.S.-based Standard Oil Company.
The first Yokohama Station (present-day Sakuragicho Station) and the second (near the Takashimacho subway station) both burned down in the Great Kanto earthquake. The current Yokohama Station is the third, built in 1928 (Showa 3) after being relocated to make the Tokaido Line more direct. The front gate was the then-seaward east gate. During the war, landowners came and went, but after the war and Allied occupation, Yokomhama and Sagami Railway Co. Ltd. (at the time) began to redevelop the west gte in earnest. With the opening of the Takashimaya Yokohama store and Yokohama Station Meihingai (prior to becoming Sotetsu Joinus) in the second half of the 1950s, the area become a bustling shopping area. Nine tracks- JR, private lines and Yokohama Municipal Subway - now extend into the station and with approximately 2.2 million passengers per day in 2015, it is the fifth-largest terminal in the world after Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro and Osaka/Umeda.